[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]7:30. So I’m not the best morning person, but I’ve got better at getting up since we hit 2017. The latest I’ll sleep in now is 9:30 tops, but I’m usually up beforehand for work. I always have the best intentions to workout in the morning, but I’ve got into the habit of doing it in the evening. When we are on the road and touring, I tend to workout either before or after we play a show and that habit has crossed over to my time spent back home. Breakfast varies, I’ve gotten into pancakes recently with banana and peanut butter, but I’m also a big fan of a full English. It sets you up for whatever life decides to throw at you! I tend to have two coffees in the morning then try to dial it back a bit more over the course of the day. This is usually a large-scale failure.
8:00-8:30 is a lot of procrastinating. I tend to get distracted and start singing or playing piano or something that isn’t getting ready for my shift. I’m the last minute tooth brusher, I rarely do my hair and catching the bus is always a case of one of those extreme makeover before and afters as I usually do any makeup (if I can be arsed) on my journey.
8:30-10:00. Get on a bus (or two) and travel to work. I listen to a lot of music and try to take time to stay on top of current releases as much as indulging my all time favourites. I feel super at home on a bus it reminds me of being in the van on tour. Again, there’s a crossover, and when we are away I often do my makeup while we move, listen to music, read and catch up with the internet a little. This has now been adapted to my many journeys on a Stagecoach. Lately, I’ve been big into travel and revisiting Bill Bryson’s writing; I’m trying to read a little more here and there – no pressure.
10:00-16:00. I’ve worked the same job for five years now. I cover three stores in our area plus pick up extra shifts with a temp agency. Travel time is anywhere between 45 minutes to 60 minutes-plus, so it’s always nice to get a little bit of space to relax before I start a shift. Work’s best when it’s busy, and I like being rushed off my feet, it’s always a long day when you’re searching out things to do.
17:00. I enjoy cooking, though I don’t do anything particularly fancy day to day. I cook and sing with the radio on while simultaneously catching up with all the boring jobs. Life maintenance 101.
18:30 is often spent interchangeably sitting with a guitar learning a song I’ve been listening to a lot or writing and messing around with song ideas on my acoustic. If anything sticks I record it super basic on my phone for future reference and come back to things when I get struck with inspiration. I don’t write every day, and I don’t force it too much if it’s not happening. Some days you’re out of ideas, and that’s normal. There has to be some level of acceptance there. I recently got back into Alanis Morrissette and have spent time playing ‘One Hand in My Pocket’ and admiring how well it’s written. After a tour, if we have a break from shows I give myself a little down time but I’m much better at sticking to a rehearsal schedule now than I have been before. I know if there’s a tour coming up I need to practice singing and playing guitar, strengthen my voice with warm-ups and prep to do the best I can while we are performing. It sounds boring, but it’s super important to me. I value so much people taking time out of their lives and investing even half an hour of it watching us play our songs. I always feel awful if I give any less than the best I could have done that day.
20:00. I usually workout anywhere between 8 and 10pm and aim for four times a week though occasionally life gets in the way. I don’t have a gym membership, and I’m fortunate working in a warehouse that I walk and lift delivery totes, so I get somewhat regular exercise regardless. I walk in Stroud daily whether I’m working or have time off. I’m a country girl at heart and make the most of the scenery and English countryside.
Workout wise, I choose a workout on an app on my phone and complete anywhere between 2-4 circuits. Some days I really can’t be bothered but force through as it helps considerably with my mental state (I suffer with long-term depression). The structure and focus on something that isn’t destructive helps keep me on track and better able to cope and manage with day to day life and activities.
21:00. I’m pretty social and organise to see friends when I’m home a minimum of two times a week alongside figuring out opportunities to see my partner who lives in a different part of the country. I spend a good hour or so each day on the phone to him and make time to keep our relationship strong even when we can’t be physically in the same place. He’s my rock, my strength and my adventure sharer; we are very lucky to have had our paths cross. If I’m at home and lonely, we will have a video call date where we start a film or TV show at the same time from our homes and virtually watch it ‘together’. Modern day dating at its best! The two of us are pretty adventurous and like to have things to look forward to, we have been rock climbing, hiking mountains and kayaking over the last few months and I’m always game to try a new challenge. If I’m not at home I’m usually out with friends, or they’re here, we always cook something nice or hit up spoons for cheap drinks and food. We are all super supportive of each other and just pick up where we left off. My Biff (best friend) and I are known to get way too hyped in each other’s company and always have fun whether it’s cooking a big meal, laughing at dumb internet videos, her teaching me more about photography or singing our favourite songs with a good measure of gin. I spend a lot of time packing a suitcase these days as I regularly travel both with the band and in my personal life. Last time I laid out some underwear options for my trip, it resulted in my entire collection of bras being worn on my best friend’s head! Laughter is medicine, and I’m lucky to have such good friends especially when the band can be away / busy for varying periods of time.
23:30. I’m usually on my own at this point as my body clock runs a little later than the people I live with. Before bed, I tend to wind down with an episode of Parks and Recreation or The Office – long series that are easy to watch. Nothing too intense as I get way too hooked and stay up the entire night binge watching – this happened with both Orange is the New Black and Making a Murderer. Work was a slog the next day!