Beaty Hearty drop their new album ‘Till The Tomb’ today (July 29th). We think it’s Really Quite Good. “Everything you could want,” in fact. Sounds like a decent recommendation, right? We caught up with the band’s Joshua Mitchell to find out more.
Your new album ‘Till The Tomb’ is out now, did you have a clear idea of how you wanted the record to sound when you first started work on it? Did it evolve much during the creation process?
When we finished the last one we were pretty clear that we wanted to change our path with the new stuff. From that we initially had a bunch of disparate ideas floating around and we weren’t 100 on WTF was going on. But towards the end of the process it clicked and we were able to go back and readdress all the ideas we had floating around using this new aesthetic, and the results were incredible.
Where did you record?
Most of it was recorded in our friends dusty ass basement in Peckham, which was kind of like a building site, which definitely influenced the sound of the record. Theres heaps of sharp, abrasive, staccato sounds in the mix and i feel might have stemmed from the harsh, industrial environment we were working in.
[sc name=”pull” text=”Most of it was recorded in our friends dusty ass basement in Peckham”]
What did you find most challenging about working on your second album?
The asbestos poisoning from that basement.
Are there any songs on the release that stand out as meaning a lot to you?
The first single Flora, is the song that we feel artistically represents the band the most significantly, at least in terms of where we want to take it from here.
You’ve toured the world since the release of your debut. What’s your best anecdote from your time on the road?
We met Anna Wintour in a lift in NYC the other day. She said ‘is this your floor?’, and we said ‘yeah’.
If you had to choose between only ever being able to create recorded music, or only ever being able to play live, which would you go for?
Mah fevrit is creating recorded music. Live is cool tho, it’s all great.
What’s the most exciting thing – album aside – you’ve got planned for over the summer?
We got a bunch of festivals, we’re heading back to the USA, we got a new video coming out. Intranet content coming out of our arses. We’re also planning on going to Mexico to record our third album.
Is there anything else we should know about what you’re up to right now?
Watching bread face girl on repeat.