Once again Creeper’s Will Gould is in disbelief. Since the start of last year, the band has been steadily getting bigger and bigger. Through relentless touring and a trio of theatrical, heart-driven EPs, Creeper have fast become the darlings of the punk world and they’re now on the cusp of spilling over. “It’s getting beyond what we could have ever imagine it to be. I’ve been really taken aback, all of us have been.”
“My life’s completely transformed. I’m getting to do all the things I’ve ever wanted to do. All I’ve ever wanted to do is make records but now, someone’s paying me to make records and I am getting to tour the world with my best friends. I feel really blessed and as hippy-ish and stupid as it sounds, it’s a dream come true. I’m absolutely over the moon with what people have been allowing us to do.”
Through their music, Creeper have quickly established a sense of community. “Having a place to go that’s not your bedroom and having a place that you can feel at home was really important to me when I was younger. So, the ability to provide a show and an environment that’s safe for those kids to go to, I’m really proud of that accomplishment. I’m really glad people have allowed us to be that band for them.”
Beyond the shows though, the Creeper Cult still exists. “When we started with ‘The Callous Heart’ [the band’s second EP and the name of that logo that you’ve probably seen on the back of jackets and tattooed on skin], the idea was that it was an invented street gang and now, life is imitating art because they exist. People patch up, go to town and hang out in groups together. That’s so rad.”
[sc name=”pull” text=”Creeper are working on a project at the moment that is very top secret.” ]
Despite the band’s jackets falling apart (and smelling terrible – thanks for sharing that Will), The Callous Heart isn’t going anywhere for a while. “We’ll have this for a long time but when it’s right to move on from it, I suppose we would. But I don’t see us doing that anytime soon because we love it all.”
Annoyed he can’t say more, Will does explain: “Creeper are working on a project at the moment that is very top secret. I’m not in a position to let you know the ins and outs and what’s having a direct effect on it but there’s a lot of things we’re digesting all the time. Yes, it’s much bigger than music. It’s very ambitious and I’m very excited about it.” You can bet he’s not the only one. [sc name=”stopper” ]