Dork Jukebox: Courtney Barnett, Girli, Phoenix and more

Your rundown of all the bangers pumping on the Dork stereo this week.

Whew. Made it. Team Dork have been down in Brighton this week for The Great Escape, rushing about in the rain like a bunch of banger-obsessed drowned rats. But we’ve dried out a bit now, tipped the water out of our boots, and so we’re ready to bring you the freshest of cuts in our weekly Jukebox.

This week, we’ve got new tracks from Courtney Barnett, Marika Hackman, Public Service Broadcasting, Shit Girlfriend and King Nun plus a LOAD of others (big week, this). We’ve got Girli teaming up with Lethal Bizzle, RAC joining forces with Rivers Cuomo, and the excellent news that Dork faves Blaenavon are hitting the road with those nice boys in Alt-J. We had a chat with Francobollo, Demob Happy and Girl Ray presented us with shiny new videos, and then Rejjie Snow unveiled a new mixtape AND a ‘zine. We love a ‘zine. Plus, after much debate and absolutely no giggling whatsoever, we’ve established that Muse are definitely saying ‘Dig Down’ on their new single, and not that other thing. (Minds out of the gutter please, you lot.)

We’ve also got announcements coming out our ears, with tour dates from Superfood and Alex Lahey, new albums coming up from Mogwai, The Pains of Being Pure At Heart and Beach House, and our very own Dork Live extravaganza starring the excellent Honey Lung.

That about covers it, we think. Same place next week?