[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Reading troupe Palm Honey have not long dropped their new single, ‘Starving Hysterical Naked’; a two-part garage rock odyssey that’s an ode to Allen Ginsberg’s infamous poem, HOWL. Lead singer Joe gives a very brief insight into his band.
Hey Joe, how have you found 2017 so far?
It’s been nice, we’ve been able to play some good festivals and release some music we’re proud of. We also got to put on our first improvised show, which was incredible.
When did you realise you wanted to make music?
Probably listening to Jimi Hendrix or something. I don’t really remember ever not wanting to make music, so it’s hard to say.
How did you guys get together?
Satanic ritual.
Are you creative in non-musical ways too?
I like to write, mainly. I’m really into film, books and video games as creative vehicles. It would be great to be able to try my hand at all of them whilst I’m alive.
What do you do for fun?
I don’t have fun.
What would you most like to achieve during your music career?
I don’t really like to look at it as a career. I only want to put out music I’m proud of. I don’t care about anything else.
What are you working on at the mo?
New music. We’ve also got a live version of ‘Starving Hysterical Naked’ that’ll be out soon. We play songs quite differently live and leave room for more weirdness, so I think that’ll be interesting for people.
Who do you think is the most exciting band or musician around right now?
The new King Krule record was great, although it’s starting to wear a bit thin on me after a few listens. I’m really inspired by improvised music these days; I’ve been working my way through the releases on Cafe Oto’s label, most of which are extremely exciting.
Tell us a secret about yourself?
No. It’s a secret.
Finally, it’s nearly Christmas – what’s your favourite part of Christmas dinner?
The family argument.
Palm Honey’s single ‘Starving Hysterical Naked’ is out now.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]