Vote now in the Dork Readers’ Poll 2016!

Have your say! (And no, you can’t vote for The 1975 in every category.)

It’s the end of the year*.

We’ve had loads of amazing bands releasing amazing albums and dropping amazing bangers. It’s time to hold a shallow popularity contest to see what you liked best.

Yep, it’s the first annual Dork Readers’ Poll.

In future years we’ll have huge pop concerts, where bands will turn up, show off their haircuts, play no more than three songs ABSOLUTE MAX, then piss off. We’ll all get off our tits on fizzy pop and dib dabs, and be home in time for Country File.

But not this year. For 2016, you get a lovely online voting form (at the bottom of this page) and the knowledge that, unless we’re really disorganised, you’ll see the results in the December issue of Dork, out in a few weeks.

Remember; voting is a responsibility. You can try to plump for your favourite band as the festival of the year all you want, but it’s not going to happen. This is serious business, Readers. Bands are for life, not just for Q1 buzz and Q4 mega-releases.

And don’t forget to tell your friends. How will you have your tastes affirmed by your harsh and unforgiving peers otherwise? Exactly. Get on with it then.

[googleform id=”7266″]

* Okay, it’s almost the end of the year, but we go to print early so we all need to be grown up and do this now – Ed.