So you think you know everything there is to know about Sundara Karma, right? You’ve seen them more times than you can count, have a favourite b-side, know their debut album back to front and upside down, and even own the February issue Dork, which has their mugs on the cover (ahem).
But we bet you don’t.
Frontman Oscar is the first ever participant in Dork’s new quiz series, ‘So You Think You Know…’. The name of the game is simple – he’s answered a few super daft questions, and it’s your job to put your fandom to the test by guessing his answers.
You don’t win anything by getting them all right, but can sit safe in the knowledge that yes, you probably are their No.1 fan. Or you’re Oscar’s mum. Definitely one or the other.
[viralQuiz id=1]
Sundara Karma tour the UK from 27th September.