Superfood: “We’re recording new music right now”

Superfood returned this year with an album few were expecting.

2017 has been rubbo for a lot of things, but not bands. We’ve had a bumper crop of returning superstars, dazzling debut albums and live shows that’ll knock your socks off.

If you haven’t heard Superfood’s second record ‘Bambino’ yet, what have you been doing?

Hey Dom, what do you make of 2017 then? It seems to have been a good year for you guys.
Yeah, it’s been mint, properly boss. Our new record is now with people, and we can start exploring music the way we’ve always wanted to

What do you think the Superfood of 2014 would have been most pleased or surprised about achieving over the past twelve months?
Just sticking to our guns and writing music that we actually enjoy listening to, that and surrounding ourselves with some really, really nice people.

You said before the album that you guys had considered splitting up after your debut – are those thoughts all banished now?
Sometimes you overthink things, and sometimes it’s still hard, I don’t think those thoughts will ever be banished until we can live a life where we can just eat sleep and breathe music, waking up walking downstairs and writing not having to worry about anything else. Things are really good now, though.

[sc name=”pull” text=”2017 has been properly boss.”]

Are there any other bands you think have really knocked it out of the park this year?
The new fFyte record is pretty special, and Wolf Alice knocked it out of town.

What are your plans for over Christmas? Are you doing anything fun?
A lot of sofas and quality street… might go to church?

Who’s the most famous person on your Christmas card list? It’s Matty Healy, right? Please tell us you’re Christmas card buddies.
Never too late to give it a go… you got a postcode?

What would you most like to receive as a Christmas gift?
A stairlift.

Do you have big plans for 2018?
We’re recording new music right now with the aim to put it out as soon as it’s finished, but that could be a month or two years to be fair.

Whose album are you most looking forward to being released next year?
Maybe ours??

Taken from the December/January issue of Dork, out now.