2017 has been rubbo for a lot of things, but not bands. We’ve had a bumper crop of returning superstars, dazzling debut albums and live shows that’ll knock your socks off.
Any year that features a new album from The Horrors is obviously a good ‘un.
Hey Tom, how was your 2017?
2017 was turbulent, inspiring and full of change.
Congrats on your new album ‘V’, were you pleased with the response?
Yes, of course, we’re conditioned from a young age to respond well to praise and it no doubt fills your brain with all kinds of lovely chemicals.
Album release aside, what have been your defining moments of 2017?
Realising London didn’t need to be my home anymore after it being my home all my life.
What do you think has been the biggest music-related news story of 2017?
Oh god I have no idea, it’s probably the subject I read the least about. I’m quite excited for Ableton Live 10. Anything else is just noise.
[sc name=”pull” text=”My plans for next year? Move to the seaside, never come back.”]
What’s your album of the year?
It’s still Frank Ocean’s ‘Blonde’. Nothing’s beaten that yet, not that I’ve heard anyway.
Where will The Horrors be this Christmas?
Having a leather party.
Do you have any favourite Christmas party games?
Hide the sausage.
Which big or buzzy bands do you think will make a comeback in 2018?
The Beatles.
Do you have any exciting plans for next year yet?
Move to the seaside, never come back.
Do you have any resolutions for 2018?
Be a good human.