The Japanese House: “It’s definitely going to be a strange album”

The Japanese House is all eyes towards that debut album.

After four EPs, The Japanese House has her eyes firmly set on a full-length. We caught up with her just before her set at Reading Festival, jetlagged and feeling, “like I’m in a weird dream right now.”

Good news. “I’m focusing on the album now. I’ve got a little studio at the end of my road which I’m going to and writing in every day until I’m either dead or it’s complete.” Right now it’s “definitely the completion,” that seems more likely.

“It’s still in the early phases but it’s creating a vibe. There’s definitely a certain sound to it that’s coming through. I still want to keep writing more songs just in case I write some great hits though. I wouldn’t want to release the album now. I have a lot of songs but they’re not all ones that I’m really happy with. I want all the songs to be like, “I definitely want this one”. After four snapshots of progression and growth, “It’s definitely going to be a strange album. There’s a lot of weird shit on it. There’s a lot of crazy stuff going on.”

There’s the promise of more touring next year but for now, there’s nothing set in stone. “I sometimes decide to just cancel everything and clear my schedule to do the writing. I thought that I can write on tour, and I can do a lot of production, but once you’ve been in a van or a bus doing the same thing… Touring is really fun but it’s not very inspiring. I like the routine of it. It’s the only part of my life that has routine but that doesn’t make for good songs. I’ve been really drunk once on the tour bus trying to write songs about the tour bus.” It wasn’t good apparently. “So, I decided to concentrate on just writing alone. I think I’m just going to produce it on my own as well. That feels like the right thing to do.”