With the release of her ‘Don’t Kill My Vibe’ EP earlier this year, Sigrid introduced herself as a pop sensation. Performing on Reading Festival’s Dance Stage the Scandinavian artist breathes fresh life into the hype.
Sugar sweet vocals hypnotise the crowd, never more so than in the set’s single stripped back number. The real power here, however, lies in the songs’ addictive pop punch. This is music with weight, an energy and motion destined to command, and the gathered crowd are powerless to stop it – not that anyone here wants to. Feel good almost to an extreme, it’s a performance made to marvel in. So that’s exactly what the audience do. Giving themselves in to the music, the energy builds with every bouncing riff. Dancing around the stage with an effortless grace, basking in the moment entirely, there’s every sense that this is what Sigrid was born to do.