30 Seconds To Mars tease new music for 2017

Once Jared Leto is done doing all this acting, it seems he’s jumping back into the LA trio

That Jared Leto is a busy boy ain’t he?

Winning Oscars, starring in summer blockbusters and heading to Coachella to hang out with Denise Welch – he’s done it all. And it seems that he’s not slowing up anytime soon, with 30 Seconds To Mars seeming to tease that 2017 will see some brand new music.

The band have remained pretty tight lipped since 2013’s ‘Love, Lust, Faith And Dreams’, which saw them head out on a huge world tour afterwards – but now the trio are gearing up for their next run at global dominance.

Expect anthems, a lot of loud singalong and a whole heap of confetti – 2017 could very well be the year of 30 Seconds To Mars.

Have a look at the teaser below and decide for yourselves!