Beach Baby serve up an 80s classic with the video for ‘Smoke Won’t Get Me High’

We’ve got the first play, and we’re already head over heels for that haircut

Serving up a classic slice of drivetime 80s gold, Beach Baby have taken the romantic stakes to a whole ’nother level with this new video for ‘Smoke Won’t Get Me High’ – premiered today on Dork.

Playing out like the sort of vintage flick where neon lights, stunning poses and plenty of alluring bubblebaths run free, it wraps that Beach Baby glow all over till you’re nice and nestled. And we really love it when that happens.

Fitting nicely with the track’s tales of insomnia, it finds co-frontman Ollie Pash in top crooner mode – patrolling the streets whilst delivering the sort-of video performance that radiates more 80s vibes than Phil Collins in lycra.

It all came together and was “was made on a whim during a night out in celebration of a funky new do” explains the band. “We shot it on a DV camera with an iPhone torch as lighting.” So basically, you don’t need all them fancy tricks to make a memorable video is the takeaway here.

‘Smoke Won’t Get Me High’ is one of many highlights from the band’s debut album ‘No Mind No Money’ – released towards the end of last year and towering with sort of sky-high hooks that have us jumping all-day, just so we can reach that level at some point. It’s a stormer, and one we’re sure will be celebrated at a big ol’ anniversary concert in 50 years time – as detailed when we chatted to the guys last year.

In the meantime, after storming sets at London’s Scala and Village Underground last year – the band are set to play an intimate set in the capital at Phil Taggart’s Slacker night on February 17th at Kamio before curating a special charity show for Youth Music at the Montague Arms on March 30th.

With Beach Baby back at work on the album’s follow-up, we know we’re in love for the long-haul. So get the mic’s out and singalong, ‘Smoke Won’t Get Me High’ is yours now.