Black Honey raise the bar with ‘Hello Today’

Banger. Banger. Total banger.

Sound the alarms! Button down the hatches! Black Honey have dropped another banger.

‘Hello Today’ is swaggering guitar pop that marks out a band who’ve found their pace. After a run of impressive singles, and a storming EP, it’s just over two and a half minutes of sugar soaked perfection.

Black Honey are hitting the road with Dream Wife next month. Kicking off at Southsea Fest in Portsmouth on 1st October, they’ll call off in Manchester, Bristol, London, Brighton, Bognor Regis’ Rockaway Beach festival, Birmingham and Glasgow before finishing up in Leeds on October 12th. You can find the dates under the player below.

1 Southsea, Southsea Fest
2 Manchester, Deaf Institute
3 Bristol, Louisiana
5 London, Lexington
6 Brighton, Patterns
7 Bognor Regis, Rockaway Beach festival
10 Birmingham, Rainbow
11 Glasgow, Nice’n’Sleazy
12 Leeds, Belgrave Music Hall