Brand New have dropped their new album, ‘Science Fiction’ – listen now!

Brand New, being Brand New, have leaked their own album.

Brand New, being Brand New, have leaked their own album.

Earlier this week the band opened up a short lived, mysterious pre-order for vinyl copies of their 5th album – one of the most anticipated records in modern rock. 8 years on from their previous full-length, it quickly sold out, with a message it would ship in October.

Fast forward to today, when CDs started to arrive with fans. Numbered to 500 copies, they included a single mp3 file, of just over an hour in length. When Shazam-ed, it proved to be a new record from Brand New, titled ‘Science Fiction’. Bang. Beat that, Beyoncé.

That single track was titled titled ’44.5902N104.7146W’. Those, it appears, are the co-ordinates for Devil’s Tower, a site famous for being in the film ’Close Encounters of the Third Kind’. The CD also comes with a leaflet featuring a quote from the film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’. Because ‘Science Fiction’. It all makes sense in the end.

As you’d expect, fans quickly began distributing the album online. We’re presuming this is exactly what the band intend to happen, or they’d be a bit silly, so we’re embedding one such copy below. Because really, we all deserve a bit of brand new Brand New.

Update: It looks like the stream has been taken down, but the album is now available to order from the band’s Procrastinate Music Traitors label. It comes with an instant download copy too. Grab it here.