Charlie Barnes makes a right old mess in his new video for ‘Bruising’

Charlie has also revealed that he’s on the new Bastille track.

Singer-songwriter and Bastille live member Charlie Barnes has released a new video for his track ‘Bruising’.

It’s taken from the follow up to 2015 album ‘More Stately Mansions’, ‘Oceanography’, which was released earlier this year.

“This is the last video in our FAME trilogy,” he says. “We thought: what better way to represent artistic frustrations than to let the two people who’ve had to spend the most time listening to me complain about my particular artistic frustrations (my wife, and my life guru Ryan), absolutely cover me in paint, glitter and feathers? This was, obviously, done in one take, on a wet and windy day in my back garden in Lichfield. It was totally worth it.”

Charlie also revealed this morning that he’s on the new Bastille track, landing Wednesday. “Super excited for my ultra pals Bastille to be releasing a new song tomorrow,” he says. “They even let me do some howling on it the ruddy sweethearts.”

Watch ‘Bruising’ below.