Check out a new Courtney Barnett track ‘How to Boil an Egg’

Does it involve Deliveroo in some way?

Courtney Barnett has shared a new track.

Titled ‘How to Boil an Egg’, the new song was recorded for Split Singles Club, a series run by the label she co-founded, Milk! Records and Bedroom Suck.

Writing about the track, Courtney explained: “I used to perform this song at all the open-mics when I was 21. It never got recorded, so for personal-posterity I updated it and made this version recently when I was bunkered up in the bush doin some demos for my next album. In tradition of the Milk! Records compilation releases, like “Pickles From the Jar” or “Three Packs A Day,” I wanted to include a song of mine for Split Singles Club that was a tad left of album-centre. It’s a songwriting experiment that doesn’t really belong anywhere else.”

You can check it out below.