We thought, hey – this’ll just be another relatively calm Tuesday night. Nothing major is going to happen right? Well, on this occasion Dear Reader, we were wrong – as the world of The 1975 has taken a giant bloody leap since the clock hit midnight.
So, up to speed on where we’re at – as we speculated earlier (because, lets be honest, we’re pretty much on 1975-watch all the time at the moment), diving around the good ‘ol web there were plenty of theories, including one that maybe, just maybe, something might go off on 2nd May after posters began to appear online and across various cities in the UK teasing the band’s return.
Boy, things have certainly kicked in tonight.
https://t.co/tmjlHBzB3r pic.twitter.com/IqPlAYVEsK
— The 1975 (@the1975) 1 May 2018
Dead on midnight, The 1975 returned from their short social media hiatus, pointing straight to their official website (which of course crashed quicker than the old Dell computer we have out back – we know, picked a great time for computer jokes….)
It’s there you’re met with the below – as perfectly shown by Twitter user @mfcishere
The website for those who can’t view it https://t.co/PtnEc9nbYX
— . (@wheresmfc) 1 May 2018
Soothing pianos play (IS THIS A SAMPLE OF NEW MUSIC?), with a video including kids playing around with technology, Ed Sheeran going for a bit of a run, robots and much more. Oh, and of course Kanye’s June 1st tweet (didn’t think you’d actually get away with that one, did you?)
MORE IMPORTANTLY – there’s a countdown, and you won’t believe what date it counts down to….
It’s 1st June. Just in case the above wasn’t clear.
Clicking around the site reveals different posters, all with their own messages and pictures, including a blurred out image of Ellen DeGeneres’ famous selfie from the Oscars.
Click on the numbers you get more posters @readdork @NME @jamieoborne #the1975 #mattyhealy pic.twitter.com/2zz7umyvCI
— . (@mfcishere) 1 May 2018
All under the title ‘A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships’, something big is definitely happening.
Thanks to the ever reliable online snoopers at Reddit, you can check out the full video from the site here.
It’s late, and in the morning things may be a lot clearer – but It’s Happening. The 1975 are back.