Damon Albarn. Songwriter. Legend. Silly billy.
Yep, the Gorillaz / Blur / songs about Elephants icon has proved himself a bit of a ‘mare, apparently leaving a copy of his cartoon band’s new record in the back of a cab.
Off for bit of a sesh down the Groucho Club, The Mirror reports Albarn left a laptop in a taxi.
“It was a disaster. Damon oversees everything and, with Gorillaz, it’s not just audio – it’s the expensive visuals as well. The laptop’s contents are priceless”, a source explained. “After a night at Groucho, Damon accidentally left it in a cab and caused a huge panic.”
Yep. He was definitely panicing in case someone saw the Gorillaz stuff. 100%. Definitely not his browser history.
Apparently, Gorillaz’ new album is strongly inspired by Damon’s anti-Brexit views and will be out next month. Because, Dear Readers, when it comes to huge acts, everything is out next month.
“It’s a really personal project because the album is very politically charged. A lot of his opinions on Brexit filter through it”, the source claimed.
We can all stop worrying, by the way. The taxi driver gave that laptop back. We know. A thrilling story.