Death Grips are working with the director of Shrek, because Death Grips

Sorry, you need more explanation than that?

Death Grips do things differently. From putting, y’know, that on their artwork to dropping records with virtually no warning, they’re not afraid of taking risks.

Risks like, erm, heading into the studio with the director of Shrek.

The crew shared a photo on Instagram, stating they’re “working on the new album with Andrew Adamson”. Adamson, obviously, was the director for both Shrek and Shrek 2.

Other equally glorious titles could include the visual effects supervisor on Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, or the director of two of the Chronicals of Narnia films. Yep, we know where Wikipedia is too.

Death Grips are at work on the follow up to 2016’s ‘Bottomless Pit’. You can check out their latest update below.