Don’t worry, you’re unlikely to actually be pregnant with Francobollo like in their new video

Unlikely, but not impossible.

Look, we know what it’s like. You want to keep your music videos interesting and engaging and amazing. But really, don’t make us worry we may be giving birth to an entire band.

That’s the kind of nightmarish reality Francobollo have cooked up in their new video for birrova-banger ‘Worried Times’, which paints an entirely realistic representation of pregnancy, where one is required to pop the little blighter back in so they can finish their song.

Let’s be fair, you’re better just watching it, which you can. It’s right below.

Francobollo release their debut album ‘Long Live Life’ next Friday, 14th June. They’re also off on a UK tour this October and November. The dates for that read:

18 Southampton Talking Heads
19 Brighton Hope And Ruin
21 Bristol Crofters Rights
22 Oxford Cellar
23 Leicester Cookie
26 Leeds Brudenell Social Club
27 Sheffield Record Junkee
28 Glasgow King Tuts Wah Wah Hut
29 Manchester Manchester Gullivers

1 Nottingham Bodega Social Club
2 Birmingham Sunflower Lounge
3 London Moth Club