Gallant has released the second instalment of his ‘In The Room’ video series.
Featuring collaborations with artists who inspire him. the first episode featured Surfjan Stevens. The second, streaming now, plays host to Seal. In it, they perform Gallant’s track ‘Weight In Gold’, recorded in one take at Paramount Recording Studios in Los Angeles.
Speaking about the collaboration, Gallant explains: “Seal was the guy that made it okay to straddle genres—he just absolutely refused to conform. Hearing his lyrics as a kid completely transformed my idea of being an artist, being honest in what you write, being black… all of it… and to be even standing in the same room as him let alone singing a song I wrote with the dude was utterly unreal.”
‘Weight In Gold’ is taken from Gallant’s album ‘Ology’, set for release next month on April 6th.
Check out the video below: