Get ready to start dancing, Will Joseph Cook has finished his album

He looks dead excited about it too.

Get your dancing shoes on, Dorks, Will Joseph Cook has finished his debut album.

Taking to Twitter to celebrate the news, Big Willy confirmed he’s just finished mastering the record. That means we can probably expect news of its release pretty soon. Excitement abounds!

“I don’t look excited in this,” he says (and he doesn’t, tbf – Ed). “I was concentrating hard BUT FUCK I JUST MASTERED MY ALBUM! AND ITS ALL FINISHED! AND I AM EXCITED.“

Last time we chatted to Will, he had “three or so tracks” to finish for the record, before he got “brutal” and trimmed down the track listing.

“It comes from a very genuine and uncompromised place,” he explained, “so I hope that comes across when people hear it.

“I started recording initial ideas this time last year, but I have grown a lot as a creative since then. This is the first year out of school for me, I’d never previously had that freedom and time to focus on my music. There was definitely a click with songs like ‘Girls Like Me’ and ‘Take Me Dancing’ and from then on I had a lot more clarity.”