Grimes issues statement on Dublin show issues

“We’ve triple checked everything and haven’t yet discovered what the issue was.”

After a shocking night on the Dublin leg of her European tour, Grimes has issued a statement.

“Just wanna apologize to the Olympia theatre that I originally thought they were responsible for the electrical issues at last nights show,” she writes in an Instagram post. “We’ve triple checked everything and haven’t yet discovered what the issue was. The Irish promoters were nothing but lovely and I don’t want them to take the blame for something that was most likely on our end.”

“Apologies for the long and insane post, about to get on a 12 hour flight so hopefully this won’t cause further press drama,” she continues.

Sorry, Claire.

You can read the full post below.

Hey! just wanna apologize to the Olympia theatre that I originally thought they were responsible for the electrical issues at last nights show. We've triple checked everything and haven't yet discovered what the issue was. The Irish promoters were nothing but lovely and I don't want them to take the blame for something that was most likely on our end. I also want to reiterate that everyone on my team and especially my audio guys did everything they could without stopping the show, but it was some kind of an issue w the vocal channel so even whilst bypassing the pedal I was getting gunshots through the vocal channel into my monitors. Perhaps it was an angry ghost. Anyway this probably doesn't make any sense to non-musicians, but w regards to the inside baseball I just wanted to say something so no one loses their job or gets in trouble for an issue that, as far as I can tell, was outside of everyone's control. Anyhow haha, apologies for the long and insane post, about to get on a 12 hour flight so hopefully this won't cause further press drama. 🙂 and thanks again to the Irish fans!!!! I cannot reiterate how grateful I am to y'all for letting us trouble shoot between songs and for singing me happy bday and being all around jovial. Xxxxx Ps: Photo cred: @aisling_kraus

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