Arriving on stage 10 minutes late, Hamilton Leithauser apologises, blaming immigration asking questions about Donald Trump. Almost immediately, with his band in tow, he launches into ‘Rough Going’ and weaves his way through a set consisting of mostly of last year’s ‘I Had A Dream That You Were Mine’ with only room for one of his previous efforts.
There’s no sign of collaborator Rostam, but that doesn’t matter – Leithauser plays the role of frontman to a tee with a brilliant rendition of ‘A 1000 Times’. ‘In A Black Out’ makes the field feel like a living room with its intimacy, and whilst at times it feels like Leithauser is rushing through the set he delivers with each song. Before playing ‘The Bride’s Dad’, he stops to tell a story – or more accurately tells the crowd he wasn’t going to tell a story and he’d let the music talk but told the story anyway. It’s that kind of day.
Leaving the stage after ‘Peaceful Morning’, Leithauser delivers a memorable set full of tender and intimate moments, even if he was late. Blame Trump.
Hamilton Leithauser played…
Rough Going (I Won’t Let Up)
Sick as a Dog
The Morning Stars
A 1000 Times
When the Truth Is…
In a Black Out
You Ain’t That Young Kid
The Bride’s Dad
Peaceful Morning