Here are all the different Wolf Alice postcards ‘out there’ so far

“Who hurt you Sadboy?”

Wolf Alice are up to something, sending out postcards to fans (hi!) featuring cryptic messages and landscape scenes.

While there’s not been confirmation yet, they appear to be song titles and lyrics, so here’s a rundown of what’s ‘surfaced’ so far. If you’ve seen one we’ve not got here, let us know on Twitter at @readdork.

The band have spent the past however long (technical term – Ed) working on their second album, the follow-up to 2015’s 6 out of 5 debut, ‘My Love Is Cool’, which is expected to land later this year.

“A transcendent invitation / To the Zero hour.”After The Zero Hour

“Now I think of all the people I’ve cared for / Did love pass me by when I had feelings I was scared of?”Sky Musings

“I hope you get to the place you’ve seen / I heard you talk about it / You called it purple and green.” St. Purple & Green

“Go heavenward like all Earth angels should.”Heavenward

“I heard that journeys end in lover’s meeting / But my journey ends when my heart stops beating.”Visions of a Life

“Who hurt you Sadboy?”Sadboy

“She lives! She breathes! She’s beautifully unconventional.”Beautifully Unconventional

“Take me out to the future / Just so I can look back into the past.”Space & Time

“I’m typing you a message that I know I’ll never send / Rewriting old excuses, delete the kisses at the end.”Don’t Delete The Kisses

“A moment’s happiness / Under the influence.”Planet Hunter

“I know it was all an act / I could poetically hear the pen planning / I know it was all an act / God never needed another stand in.”Formidable Cool