If you spend a year or so asking Weezer to cover Toto’s ‘Africa’, don’t be shocked when they cover Toto’s ‘Rosanna’ instead

Doing what we didn’t ask is textbook Weezer.

If music had a Top 10 Trolls list, Weezer would be in it. Rivers and his crew have been teasing us for years now – and not just with ‘Raditude’, either. When the world wants them to turn left, you can be sure as hell they’ll jam the wheel hard to the right, doing a wheelie as they fly past all conventional expectation.

What we’re saying is, we should have expected this. There’s been an internet campaign ‘going’ for the band to cover Toto’s classic banger ‘Africa’. It’s easy to see why – they’d be brilliant at it, it’s basically a meme in itself, and it’s exactly the kind of thing Weezer drop into their live sets, right?

So obviously – OBVIOUSLY – they’ve not done what they were asked. Instead, they’ve covered Toto’s ‘other’ hit (yes, there was another hit – Ed), ‘Rosanna’.

And, y’know, it’s actually great. Maybe Rivers does know best.

Apart from ‘Raditude’.

Check out ‘Rosanna’ below.