You know what you’re gonna get from Prides.
Not that we’re calling them predictable or boring or anything. Just that they’re a band driving a bloody great big tank with a bloody great big gun, and that bloody great big gun only takes one type of ammunition; bangers the size of your nan’s head.
We’re oddly specific with our banger grading round here.
‘Away With The Night’ is another radioactive warhead, blasting out enemy bunkers and turning everything you can see into wall-to-wall bop-pop. It’s “the first track we knew had to go on this new album”, according to the band’s Stewart Brock. Statement made.
“It’s a track I wrote as a response to a certain someone,” he explains, “who put a lot of expectation onto what/where we were, and ended up writing a song about me. This is my version of events.”
Yep, it’s the catchiest subtweet you’ll hear all week.
You can check out ‘Away With The Night’ below. Prides are off on tour this March for a trio of dates. Find the deets on those underneath.
20 Birmingham, The Flapper
21 London, Scala
22 Manchester, The Ruby Lounge