It’s the end of an era for The 1975 as Latitude 2017 kicks off proper today

We love it when there’s sheep, because they’re so colourful and we should have thought this one through before we started it.

Latitude 2017 kicks off properly today, as we build up for The 1975 to call time on their second album ‘I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It’.

The album that saw an already big band reach a whole new global scale, Matty and co. are set to headline the first day of this year’s Henham Park extravaganza as they close down their era of pink neons and pop genius. It’s set to be one of the must see sets of the summer.

Elsewhere on today’s line up, The Horrors preview their new album on the Obelisk Arena stage, while Mystery Jets have the chance to get us all even more hyped for their forthcoming #JETROSPECTIVE shows and Pumarosa make a play for the biggest platforms.

There are brilliant bands all over the place. From The Japanese House to Sigrid, Shame to King Nun, you can keep up with everything happening at Latitude 2017 right here on Dork. We’ve got eyes and ears on the ground delivering you everything going down as it happens.

Latitude runs through to this Sunday, 16th July.