Jarvis ‘Jarvis’ Cocker is playing some tiny shows over the next month

Tickets are available from 11am today!

Imagine seeing Jarvis Cocker at London’s Moth Club. Moth Club isn’t massive. That would be glorious?

Or imagine seeing him at Manchester’s Deaf Institute! That would be exciting, wouldn’t it?

Well, Dear Reader, you’re in luck, because the iconic Pulp frontman and general all time legend is set to play both venues, as well as a bunch more over the next month or so.

Our Jarv will kick off at Brighton’s Patterns on 26th March, before calling off in London, Ramsgate, Manchester and Liverpool. He’ll then play two shows in Castleton – CASTLETON – on 6th and 7th April.

Tickets for the shows are available from today, Tuesday 13th March, at 11am from here. There’s obviously a reason for this. Interestingly, the listing for Ramsgate Music Hall promises “brand new music” and “a brand new live band”.

Keep ’em peeled for more.

26 Brighton Patterns
27 London Moth Club
28 Ramsgate Music Hall

3 Manchester Deaf Institute
4 Liverpol Williamsons Tunnels
6 Castleton Peak Cavern
7 Castleton Peak Cavern