King Nun unveil new cut ‘Speakerface’ with punchy live video

It’s another reason to love 2017’s most explosive new band

King Nun are really bloody ace. They’ve only just come into our lives, and already they’re big favourites of ours – something that’s only gotten bigger with new number ‘Speakerface’.

A swaggering beast of a number, ‘Speakerface’ immediately brings to mind the glory days of 90s grunge – dabbed with the intensity and pop hooks of a band aiming squarely at the live stage. It’s bold, brash and sure of itself – and there’s nothing quite like it.

‘Speakerface’ has been unveiled with a scratchy new live video, similar to the one revealed for debut single ‘Tulip’, and shows just how essential King Nun could be when it comes to earth-shattering rock in 2017. Plus, launching yourself at the drummer at the end of a video should really be a customary move by now right?

Dive right into ‘Speakerface’ below, it’s what ya need on a Monday night.