L.A. Peach debuts new track, ‘Spring’: “It’s about being messed about”

Keep an eye out for ‘EP TWO’, out next month.

Make no mistake about it: we’re slap bang in the middle of summer, but L.A. Peach has his mind on a different season with his brand new track.

‘Spring’, which you can stream exclusively with Dork below, is the first song plucked from the long-haired Londoner’s second EP – appropriately titled ‘EP TWO’ – which is out August 18th on his own label, 38 SPACES.

“‘Spring’’s about being messed about, I guess,” explains the singer-songwriter. ‘You know when someone’s like ‘hey, you’re the best, let’s dance in the night and pretend you’re the guy from ‘Twilight’, OMG this is love blah blah blah’, and then they go do something stupid like forget about you?

“That’s not necessarily what happened to me, and I’m not necessarily bitter about it either,” he continues. “Alternatively it’s just a rip-off of the storyline from ‘Grease’. Come to think of it, most of ‘EP TWO’ is too. I’m not very inventive.”


At least L.A. Peach is honest, a quality which lends itself to his vocals on ‘Spring’, which are delivered with a razor-sharp tongue but a ludicrously chillaxed tone. Throw some delightfully simple, twangy guitars into the mix, and you’ve got yourself two minutes of super-hip and soulful sun-kissed pop.

“I was listening to a bunch of Frank Ocean when I was writing ‘EP TWO’, but I’m not sure if that comes across,” he starts. “The thing that fully influenced me was the view from my room. I’ve got these big windows that look out onto a gross industrial park where lots of drug-dealers and junkies live and work.

“I would stay in my room and write looking out the window and stare at the big blue sky instead of the people and feel very comfortable. It’s like when you’re inside, and it’s raining, or there’s a thunderstorm, and you feel snug.”

Recorded almost instantly after the release of his first four-song collection ‘EP 1’ earlier this year, L.A. Peach says that his next batch of tracks is ‘a total direct continuation’ from his debut record.

“I feel like if I mess about and sit on songs too much, I’ll hate them or I’ll want to add more,” he explains. “So I just package them up real nice, polish ‘em, and then they’re done.

“There was a two or three-week period where I was getting up every morning and writing straight away, recording the song, and then it was done and uploaded to SoundCloud.

“It was a super productive time for me. I didn’t really see anyone, I just stayed in my room and ignored people and ate loads of cereal.”

As an opening number that has solid potential to turn your eyes into peach emojis, ‘Spring’ is “the most jumpy, excitable puppy of a track” on ‘EP TWO’, which will comprise five songs.

“There’s a song on the record that I think is my favourite, which is the last one, ‘Waste My Time’. It’s super fun to play, especially now that I have a full band playing with me, but I think you’ll like it too.

He laughs: That’s what label people say, don’t they? ‘Hey man, you should check this song out, I think you’ll really dig it, dude!’

“So yeah, as the head of my own label, I think you’re all really gonna dig this record – it’s right up your street!”

Speaking of playing live, L.A. Peach is currently plotting his first full-band tour of the UK for the autumn. In the meantime, you can catch him at ‘EP TWO’’s release show at Servant Jazz Quarters, London on August 22nd. Tickets are free and can be booked here.

Also playing at Two Three Four Fest at the Green Door Store, Brighton on August 26th, the rest of the year is looking quite peachy for L.A. Peach…

“There’s a very strong possibility I have written an electronic EP, and there’s an even stronger possibility that I’m gonna go record an album,” he hints at his fruitful plans for the second half of 2017. “But who knows? I’m gonna play more shows, sign up to the gym, move to the seaside, enjoy Christmas and probably get another bar job…”

Pre-order ‘EP TWO’ now at bandcamp.com.