LCD Soundsystem are dropping two new tracks in the next few hours!

Run around excitedly! We’re getting ‘Call The Police’ AND ‘American Dream’!

We’re getting new LCD Soundsystem, and we’re getting it Really Very Soon Indeed – in a matter of hours, in fact.

According to a post on the band’s Facebook, they’re set to drop two new tracks at midnight, wherever in the world you are. ‘Call The Police’ and ‘American Dream’ were both played at their recent Brooklyn shows, and have been rushed through the mixing and mastering process so they can drop now.

The post also states that the LP is ‘almost done’, with one more vocal and two more mixes to go. James Murphy describes it as “one of the most enjoyable records to make in my life, if not the most fun ever” and claims it’s “for sure, the happiest I’ve ever been making a record”.

You can read the full post below. Get ready. The party starts at midnight, or at least at midnight somewhere – because, let’s face it, this is the internet. Things appear early.