LCD Soundsystem are still working on that new album, “but it’ll be done soon”

We also now know that the winter plays havoc with James Murphy’s voice

We all cried with pure joy last year when LCD Soundsystem reunited, especially when it was confirmed that they were working on a new album to go along with it. Now we’ve had an update on that album, and it’s certainly getting there.

Replying to a fan question on the band’s Facebook page asking about the record, main man himself James Murphy responded, saying:

Oh, and just to be certain – he responded to this one too

So the wagon is well and truly rolling, and we can’t bloody wait. Oh, and we definitely recommend a scarf James – that might do the trick for the winter voice problem.

At the moment, the band have only two confirmed shows for 2017 – with festival headlining appearances at Shaky Knees and Forecastle Festival, both in the ol’ US.

While we wait for that record, lets just blare out a classic yeah? After all it has been 10 years since ‘Sound Of Silver’…