Lorde is great, and nice, and gives money to help under-privileged children

As if we couldn’t love her any more…

Proving why she’s a true modern day hero, Lorde has donated over £10,000 to a New Zealand based charity who look after under-privileged children.

Fuel The Need help local children gain access to lunches when at their most vulnerable, with Lorde responding in emphatic fashion when local businesses only mustered up £700 for the campaign.

Explaining the donation on the charity’s funding page (located here if you’d like to help out) Lorde said:
“Good on you Manuel and Fuel The Need. I hope this helps a little bit. Lots of love from a former kid who is passionate about all kids having access to food at school”

Lorde’s long-awaited follow up to her 2013 debut LP ‘Pure Heroine’ is rumoured to still be a work-in-progress (mucho sad face). She most recently honoured David Bowie at this year’s BRIT Awards – breaking tear ducts everywhere with her performance of ‘Life On Mars’