You know what the summer is like. Festival, few days off, festival, another few days off. What are you supposed to do in those gaps in-between? Your job? Well, yeah, probably.
That’s what Moose Blood will be doing. Nope – not donning a suit and tie and putting in a 9 to 5 – they’ve announced a run of warm up and filler shows between some of their festival appearances this summer.
With sets planned at 2000trees, Truck, Y Not, Bestival and Butserfest, the band have filled in the gap with shows alongside the brilliant Muncie Girls (Worcester, Bridgend) and Dead! (Bournemouth, Leicester).
The dates read:
7 Marrs Bar, Worcester
8 2000trees
9 Hobos, Bridgend
15 Truck
28 The Winchester, Bournemouth
29 The Cookie, Leicester
30 Y Not
9 Bestival
10 Butserfest
In August, the band will be releasing their (really very good) second album ‘Blush’, via Hopeless Records. Busy bees. Or Mooses? Meese? Moose. That’s the one. As you were.