Mr Jukes welcomes in the smooth grooves with ‘Tears’

The debut solo album from the man otherwise known as Bombay Bicycle Club’s Jack Steadman will land on July 14th

Get the smooth jamming button out, we’ve got a winner here – with Mr Jukes (aka Bombay Bike Club’s Jack Steadman) laying out a jackpot puller with new number ‘Tears’

Featuring Atlanta’s own Alexandria, the number is full of body grooving chimes and all encompassing refrains that bounce off each other with bonafide ease – confirming that Mr Jukes is the sort of cool chap that we all should aim to be like.

The latest cut comes after the unveiling of Mr Jukes with debut number ‘Angels/Your Love’, and will feature on the newly announced debut album ‘God First’, set to land on July 14th. Full of unabashed vibes and soothing glides into the mind of Jack Steadman, it’s one we’re going to dive right on into – that’s f’sure.

Head to the pleasuredome, with ‘Tears’ below,