Mura Masa teams up with Charli XCX for ‘1 Night’

The album is done but we’ve got a bit of a wait.

Fresh from dropping her ‘Number 1 Angel‘ mixtape, Charli XCX has teamed up with Mura Masa for his shiny new single ‘1 Night‘. Clearly she has a thing for the number one at the moment but with pop songs like these, who wouldn’t.

After teasing the collaboration on Instagram, Mura Masa took the track to Radio 1 as their Hottest Record but now it’s properly Out There, so fill your boots.

“I’ve got a pop sensibility, which pisses me off sometimes actually!” Alex Crossan told us earlier this year. “I want to be a bit cool and edgy but everything I write seems to come out catchy. I think that’s good, though, to be quite accessible – I can get weirder as the years go on. Do a Radiohead and write ‘Creep’ and then just go off and do my own thing!”

And while his debut album is done, according to an interview with Radio One anyways, it looks like we’ll be waiting until 2018 to hear it. 2018!

Well, he does admit that “predictability isn’t something I strive for” so we’ll let him off.