New Queens of the Stone Age tracks have accidentally been pressed to the b-side of Gordi’s new album

“I anticipate either people won’t notice or they’ll appreciate the dynamic shift.”

A number of tracks from Queens of the Stone Age’s forthcoming album ‘Villains’ have found their way somewhere they shouldn’t, due to a pressing mix up.

Fans on Reddit have discovered that vinyl copies of Gordi’s new album ‘Resevoir’ features unreleased Queens of the Stone Age songs on its b-side. ‘Fortress’, ‘Head Like A Haunted House’ and ‘Un-Reborn Again’ – all of which appear on the b-side of QOTSA’s new album ‘Villains’ – were accidentally pressed to Gordi’s record.

Both albums are set for release on the same day, 25th August. “Obviously I was aware that the Queens of the Stone Age album was coming out the same week as mine and I was aware it would probably garner all the limelight, so the logical solution was to just chuck a bunch of their songs on Reservoir,” Gordi joked in a statement. “I anticipate either people won’t notice or they’ll appreciate the dynamic shift.”