Nothing get messy in ‘Vertigo Flowers’ video

The song is taken from the Philly band’s new album ‘Tired Of Tomorrow’.

Nothing are streaming a new video for their latest track ‘Vertigo Flowers’.

The song is taken from the Philly band’s new album ‘Tired Of Tomorrow’, set for release on May 13th via Relapse Records. On the day of release, they’ll play two London dates – an in-store at Rough Trade East followed by a full set at Hackney’s Moth Club.

“The song is very much about dealing with spells of paranoia,” front man Domenic Palermo explains of the video. “We built a 12×12 white room and put everyone in white jumpers. I had Don orchestrate a group of 10 individuals with 10 gallon high pressure fire extinguishers filled with a mixture of house paint and water to fire off randomly at his call while also being blinded with giant flood lights so we couldn’t see ahead. Everyone in the band was told the paint would burn the eyes, taste bad in mouth, and be very cold (it was also in a garage in 10 degree weather). It was shot in a single take as we had no way to have a real rehearsal.”

“I wanted to create a blank canvas and let the unpredictability and anxiety that comes with the anticipation of something awful tell the story, all the while showcasing the brilliance and beauty that can follow and be left, directly behind.”

Check out the clip for ‘Vertigo Flowers’ below: