The other week, Parquet Courts started a countdown. Now, that countdown has ended – which means… new music!
We know, we didn’t see that coming either. Shocking.
The band will release their sixth studio album ‘Wide Awake!’ on 18th May via Rough Trade. It’s noteably produced by Brian ‘Danger Mouse’ Burton (yes, DANGER MOUSE) – an even more startling step away given the rest of the group’s back catologue was self-produced.
In a press release, Parquet Courts explain: “The ethos behind every Parquet Courts record is that there needs to be change for the better, and the best way to tackle that is to step out of one’s comfort zone. I personally liked the fact that I was writing a record that indebted to punk and funk, and Brian’s a pop producer who’s made some very polished records. I liked that it didn’t make sense.”
CHecking Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, and Black Flag as points of reference, the news comes alongside an animated video for ‘Almost Had To Start A Fight / In And Out Of Patience’, which you can check out below.
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