Pinegrove are still planning to release their forthcoming album, according to Nandi Rose Plunkett.
Plunkett, who departed from the band last August to concentrate on her own music as Half Waif, revealed the update in a new interview with Columbus Alive. Pinegrove went on hiatus after frontman Evan Stephens Hall publicly responded to an accusation of sexual coercion. The band then cancelled their tour dates and put a pause on the release of an upcoming album, from which they’d already dropped lead single ‘Intrepid’.
The record, already finished and titled ‘Skylight’, will still be released, according to Plunkett – with the band even beginning work on a follow up.
“There’s stuff in the works,” Plunkett explained. “There’s the album, Skylight, which is completely done and ready to be released. And they’re working on a new record now.”
“The band is not done,” she goes on. “They’re just trying to find the best way to re-emerge in a way that feels respectful to everyone involved in the situation.”
Plunkett’s new album as Half Waif, ‘Lavender’, is set for release next month, but she went on to explain she’ll continue to play a part with Pinegrove. “I absolutely see myself continuing to be a collaborator as far as recording,” Plunkett said. “I will always jump at the opportunity to sing with [Evan] and play with musicians who have now become my family.”