Bursting its way out of the speakers like a bottle of fizzy pop, Shitkid has unveiled a ringing new one in the form of ‘Alright’.
Drenched in that classic scuzz feel that’s greeted every off-kilter moment in Shitkid’s portfolio so far, ‘Alright’ is a glorious glimpse into what’s ahead – revelling in every shimmer and unafraid to delve deeper into every unmistakable electric flourish.
‘Alright’ is another sampler from Shitkid’s incoming debut LP ‘Fish’ – set for release on June 2nd. Along with the previously unveiled ‘Tropics’ and ‘Sugar Town’, you can expect to hear a whole load of ‘Fish’ at her upcoming appearances at The Great Escape in a couple of weeks (May 18th-20th).
Have a play of ‘Alright’ below,