If you’re anything like us rotters at Dork HQ, you’ll plot your descent into an early grave by the age of your favourite records. ‘OK Computer’ is twenty this year, don’t you know? ‘Sound of Silver’ turns ten in a couple of months. We know. It’s scary.
Another modern classic about to run up a decade is The Cribs’ really bloody brilliant ‘Men’s Needs, Women’s Needs, Whatever’. Packed with customary top level bangers, you’d be right to be excited at the smallest notion they may take it back on the road in 2017. Front to back. Glorious idea, right?
Don’t get your hopes up. While waiting for the rest of the music industry to get out of bed and back to work this morning (come on guys, get on it – Ed), the brothers Jarman have been tweeting about just that and… well… it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.
Hmm…dunno..Maybe if enough people were interested? Never say never I guess… https://t.co/YNHR2BkXV8
— The Cribs (@thecribs) January 3, 2017
— The Cribs (@thecribs) January 3, 2017
Still, that’s almost certainly because we can expect some new material from Wakefield’s finest before the year is out. That’s enough to get us giddier than this small dog.
Yep. That excited.