The Gold Setting show off their laid-back pop with ‘My Love’

It’s from upcoming EP, ‘Volume and Tone’.

The Gold Setting are today premiering ‘My Love’, a smooth and enveloping new track to ease you into the week. Check it out below, first on Dork.

The band – fronted by Liza Colby, and also featuring multi-instrumentalist/composer/arranger Todd Simon, Grammy-nominated Adam Berg, and songwriter/producer/musician Richard Rudolph – release their new EP ‘Volume and Tone’ on 7th April.

They say of ‘My Love’: “A throw back to Motown song with an updated feel and a Cali groove. Godfrey at Large featured on the track makes it a panty dropper, baby making, love duet. Dripping wet with a Barry Sax solo and horn arrangements to die for.”