The Magic Gang kicked off today with a storming set at Glastonbury’s William’s Green, but with that out of the way, they’ve got work to get back to.
“We’ve got to start making an album,” Jack explained to Dork. “We’re getting the last bits done before cracking on with that. We’re trying to work out what’s going to go on there now, because we have to be a little bit brutal.”
They aren’t just planning to repeat their existing three EPs, though. “The aim it to try to do as little of that as possible really,” Paeris confirmed. “You try to leave a big gap before your first album, so when it comes out it’s going to be something that people enjoy. So you feel like you owe it to them to have new material rather than rehashing songs.”
“It’ll be out in January or February,” added Jack.
Time to start getting excited then – even if it’s on a slightly extended calendar.
The Magic Gang hit the road later this year with Sundara Karma. You can catch them at:
27 Cardiff Tramshed
28 Bristol Academy
29 Southampton The 1865
30 Nottingham Rock City
1 Glasgow O2 ABC
2 Manchester Academy
4 Coventry The Empire
5 London O2 Academy Brixton
6 Liverpool Guild of Students
7 Sheffield The Plug