With The Magic Gang looking to a debut album, they’re probably spending a lot of time sitting back, looking hard and working out what they want The Magic Gang to actually be.
At some point they maybe daydreamed about what the band would be like if they were born fifty years earlier. Then they decided to make that the video for ‘Your Love’. Maybe. But probably not. Anyway, it looks like this. Enjoy.
When they’re not making a debut album, The Magic Gang are set to play a bunch of indie-rock gigs supporting Sundara Karma. We’ve been to a few and they’re very great. Go to one of these.
27 Cardiff Tramshed
28 Bristol Academy
29 Southampton The 1865
30 Nottingham Rock City
1 Glasgow O2 ABC
2 Manchester Academy
4 Coventry The Empire
5 London O2 Academy Brixton
6 Liverpool Guild of Students
7 Sheffield The Plug