Uh oh! Run The Jewels are not happy about a film called, erm, Run The Jewels

Kevin Hart better starting running, if you catch our drift.

In another turn of “what on earth is going on here then?!”, Run The Jewels have responded to an upcoming Kevin Hart film which has gone by a remarkably familiar name.

Yeah, they’ve called it Run The Jewels.

The response of El-P and Killer Mike seems to suggest that this may have come as a bit of a surprise…

When pointed out to him over Twitter, El-P responded “excuse me while I go starve a savage pack of lawyers for 7 days” whilst Killer Mike seemed equally as bemused by it all,




So either they went ahead with the film and name knowing full well what they were doing, or they haven’t heard one of the most exciting hip-hop groups of recent times (the latter is probably worse – Ed).

‘Run The Jewels 3′ is expected to drop later this year, with Killer Mike stating the record will “be done real soon”.