Vampire Weekend and Dirty Projectors’ Dave Longstreth play Bernie Sanders rally

Playing ‘Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa’, ‘Unbelievers’, ‘Rise Above’, and ‘A-Punk’, you can check out footage now.

Vampire Weekend performed another Bernie Sanders rally in Manhattan’s Washington Square park last night, joined by Dirty Projectors’ Dave Longstreth and the Columbia University Metrotones.

Playing ‘Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa’, ‘Unbelievers’, ‘Rise Above’, and ‘A-Punk’, you can check out footage below.

A similar event will take place on Sunday at Brooklyn’s Prospect Park with Grizzly Bear performing, while on Monday, TV on the Radio will play a Sanders rally in Queens.

Bernie has all the best bands.

#HappeningNow @vampire_weekend at the #BernieSanders rally. #VampireWeekend #FeelTheBern #BernieOrBust

A video posted by Shwick Markets coming up… (@shwickmarket) on

Bernie Sanders supporters or Vampire Weekend fans? Either way there's a lot of people here!

A video posted by doNYC (@donewyorkcity) on