Wait, now Frank Ocean is writing a novel?

Talk about waiting for one bus and then a load come at once.

So it seems that Frank Ocean has really been a busy boy, not only constantly teasing us with a new album but potential writing a novel and magazine to go along wth it

According to a encrypted code on Calvin Klein’s website (I know, what a way for it to be revealed) there’s a full hidden press release revealing the plans to accompany ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ with a novel and magazine.

In the press release it says:

He is known for being a perfectionist, and a pursuant of creativity in all forms. He resists pressure and follows his own vision. He has published a magazine and worked on a novel while continuing to perfect his highly anticipated second album.

Ocean shuns interviews and social media, and prefers instead to speak through his work. He has said that when it comes to understanding music, the most important thing is to just press play.

Well here’s hoping we can press play on some music soon too eh? Rumoured to be released later this month, it looks like we’re going to be getting a whole lot of Frank Ocean over the next few months.